Product designer focusing on onboarding experiences through visual storytelling. Currently @MailChimp in NYC

@TurboTax / visual design / content design / design research

🏃‍♀️ W-2 Abandonment on Credit Karma Taxes

Spearheaded the redesign of high-abandonment screen within the Wages and Income topic section. Reduced abandonment by 2% and increased completes.

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@TurboTax / systems thinking / design research

❤️‍🩹 Credit Karma Money Heartbreakers

Developed comparison chart component and switcher experience that compares Credit Karma Money account offerings to a traditional bank to increase Credit Karma Money deposits. Increased take rate and saved about $200K in revenue over baseline.

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@TurboTax / visual design / systems thinking / platform mindset

🚀 Theming Credit Karma Tax Experience

Created 150+ new icons themed Credit Karma in an effort to create a seamless experience for tax filing on Credit Karma, powered by TurboTax. Led theming efforts through end of season. Provided scalability for future embedded tax experience.

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